Glig Gamena Angel Deod, or The Sports and Pastimes of the People of England: Including the Rural and Domestic Recreations, May Games, Mummeries, Shows, Processions, Pageants, and Pompous Spectacles, Joseph Strutt, 1801 

Perhaps the most intriguing of the games listed in Joseph Strutt’s book are those that he admits he is “at a loss” about. They appear simply as titles or illustrations that he has come across in earlier sources, which he captions “games unknown”. The mystery game titles he lists include “Figgum”, “Mosel the Pegge”, “Penny-pricke” and “The Parson has Lost his Cloak”.


Polly Tayarachakul

Polly Tayarachakul ( is an illustrator and animator originally from Thailand and now based in Tokyo. Her Fun & Games clips feature illustrations from the Portico’s historic collection.

Try drawing your own game-playing or dancing character and animating it using the RakugakiAR app or visit the Library after it reopens on 3rd December 2020 and we’ll animate it for you for free.

Tag the Portico Library on your animated drawing videos on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter and we’ll share them for you.


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